Once a young man who took a loan of Rs 10,000 from his aunt, Mr. Kamal Khushlani went on to become a billionaire with a net worth of Rs...
The incredible tale of Kamal Khushlani's transition from having borrowed Rs 10,000 to amassing a net worth equaling Rs 1150 crore is one worth reading, having a combination of never giving up on your goals and a beautiful imagination.
Mufti , the company founded by Kamal in 1998, targeted male clothes for the premium and mid - premium... the company started off on a bike, knee deep in debt. But today, the company has become a household name in India and has a business worth 1,150 crore rupees and more, which diagonal tassel trim on the fronts and embossed branding. What a story of determination and creativity this is.
Kamal, a man who was born into a fairly average family which did not have much, had their lives completely upended when he was 19 and his father passed away. The loss of a parent brought great financial and emotional difficulties and made life difficult for his family. In order to earn , Kamal got a job in a cassette company.
Nonetheless, even with the odds stacked against him, Kamal had a good fashion sense. His friends and family would often reach out to him for advice in clothing styles and that boosted his confidence and led him to consider becoming an entrepreneur.
First Steps in Fashion
Mr & Mr, which was a shirt manufacturing company, was started in 1992 by Kamal Singh who had no more than Rs 10,000 which he borrowed from his aunt. Because he worked from his home which doubled as both an office and a warehouse, Kamal was in charge of the whole process of design, production, and even sales.
While Mr & Mr gave Kamal a head start in the world of business, he yearned for something greater. In 1998, he introduced Mufti which: reinvented the menswear category in India. But it didn’t come easy. He used to connect with retailers on a bike, taking a suitcase full of clothes and selling them directly from the suitcase in shops, with no office or staff.
Mufti Breakthrough
With the introduction of the Mufti stretch jeans, a product that was non-existent in India during the early 2000s, Mufti reached its turning point. That move paved the way for the brand to reach new heights as it was well liked and deep rooted with the needs of men in India. Exclusive brand outlets were opened allowing its expansion and aiding it establish a stronger presence within the highly competitive fashion space.
A Fashion Empire
Mufti took over 379 exclusive brand stores,89 large format stores and 1,305 multi brand outlets all across India.
Kamal built an empire from the ground up, but had to face societal perceptions and numerous other doubts. Still, he always had a vision in his mind that helped him pivot at any roadblock.
His brand, Mufti, today reflects the way he showed persistence and love for fashion, a fact that encourages numerous youngsters to not lose hope and work towards fulfilling their dreams.