Aaj Ka Panchang 15 October 2024: Today is the Trayodashi date of Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month. In this part of the daily Panchang, we will know about the day of 15 October 2024, Tuesday. According to the Panchang, Bhaum Pradosh fast will be observed today. Let us know about the auspicious and inauspicious Muhurta of the day. Read the complete Panchang here.
Today's Panchang - 15 October 2024 (Aaj Ka Panchang)
Trayodashi – up to 12:19 AM, October 16
Today's sunrise-sunset and moonrise-moonset times
Sunrise time: 06:17 AM
Sunset time: 06:00 PM
Moonrise time: 04:31 PM
Moonset time: 04:49 AM, October 16
Poorva Bhadrapada – up to 10:08 PM
Today's Karan:
Kaulava - till 02:03 PM
Taitil - till 12:19 AM, October 16
Today's Yoga
Increase - till 02:14 PM
Today's day : Tuesday
Today's phrase: Shukla Paksha
Hindu lunar date
Shaka Samvat:
1946 Angry
Vikram Samvat:
2081 Pingal
Gujarati Samvat:
Moon month:
Ashwin – Purnimant
Ashwin – Amant
Today's auspicious time (Today's auspicious time)
Today Abhijit Muhurat will be from 15:03 PM to 15:50 PM. Vijay Muhurat will be from 15:17 PM to 03:15 PM. Brahma Muhurat will be from 04:40 AM to 05:29 AM. Today Ravi Yoga and Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga will be from 10:08 PM to 06:23 AM, October 16.
Today's inauspicious time (Today's inauspicious time)
Durmuhurat will be from 08:40 AM to 09:26 AM. Rahukaal will be from 02:59 PM to 04:25 PM. Varjya will be from 06:26 AM to 07:51 AM and Panchak will be for the whole day.