Gyanvapi Mosque Case: The Hindu side has got a setback from the Varanasi court in the Gyanvapi case. The court on Friday rejected the petition of the Hindu side and said that there would be no ASI survey of the remaining part of Gyanvapi. The Hindu side had demanded a survey of the entire complex and the alleged Shivling found in the Wazukhana apart from the closed basement, which was rejected by the fast track court of the Civil Judge Senior Division. Now the Hindu side will appeal against this order of the Varanasi court in the High Court.
All eyes were fixed
Everyone's eyes were on the Gyanvapi case today. That's because the court had to give its verdict in a 33-year-old case. This is the 1991 Lord Visheshwar Vs Anjuman Intezamia case, in which the Hindu side has claimed a 100 feet Shivling under the central dome, and apart from demanding permission to perform puja in the temple, it had demanded an ASI survey by excavating the rest of the premises. But the court rejected it.
What did the lawyer of the Hindu side say?
Vijay Shankar Rastogi, the lawyer of the Hindu side on the Gyanvapi case, said, ‘The court has rejected our application for an additional survey of the security of the entire Gyanvapi area by the ASI. We will go to the High Court against this decision.’
He said, 'This decision is against the rules and facts. I am upset with this and will challenge it in the High Court. According to the order of 8.4.2021, ASI had to appoint a 5-member committee for the survey, in which one person would be from the minority community and one expert from a central university. All of them had to conduct the ASI survey. The previous survey was conducted by ASI itself. The High Court had confirmed that the survey was not in compliance with that order (of 8.4.2021). We will go to the High Court on an urgent basis.'
The Muslim side protested.
On the other hand, the Muslim side was constantly against the ASI survey. Anjuman Intezamia Masjid Committee has argued that the survey has been done by ASI in Gyanvapi. Now there is no need for additional surveys. Earlier, many important pieces of evidence were found in the ASI survey. 32 stone slabs and stones were found in the temple complex, which were related to Hindu temples. Writings in Devanagari, Kannada, and Telugu were found on these stone slabs. The survey revealed that Hindu symbols and carvings were erased by making changes in the pillars. Apart from this, there are temple structures in many parts, and remains of sculptures have been found in the basements.